What to Expect

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is designed to allow the church to explore a wide range of topics and aspects of our faith which may not be addressed regularly through preaching, such as theological studies, Old Testament and New Testament Surveys, Church History, and the Christian life.
Our Children’s Sunday School allows young children to hear a Bible lesson, sing a song based on the lesson, pray, and enjoy playing with the other children.


We are a Family-Integrated church, meaning that we have no formal children’s class during Sunday worship services. We have a nursery for nursing mothers with toys for young children, and the sermon can still be heard in the nursery through a speaker, but we would like to encourage you to keep your children in the worship service with you.

Fellowship Meals

We host a potluck meal following the service on the first and third Sundays of every month to continue our time of fellowship together. If you are visiting for the first time on a Fellowship Meal Sunday, don’t feel obligated to bring anything, but please feel free to stay and enjoy lunch and fellowship with us.


We partake in the ordinance of Communion on the second Sunday of each month.